Traveller tips
In the skies
Airlines are taking great strides to adapt to the current environment and implement more stringent cleaning measures. Most North American airlines have CDC-approved cleaning policies in place, including disinfecting and cleaning surfaces in between each flight. In addition, many airlines use HEPA filters for air filtration on flights, which remove 99.97% of bacteria in the air on planes. This means that airborne particles that spread viruses aren’t spreading around planes through the recycled air. Many airlines are also providing virus response kits and additional cleaning materials to crews flying through areas with higher risks and travel warnings.
For more information on the measures being taken by different airlines, see below.
Information on current border restrictions and reopenings in relation to COVID-19 travel bans.
Information on car hire and traveller health and safety in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information on hotels, accomodation suppliers and traveller health and safety in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.